The Young Christian Climate Network (YCCN) are doing a relay walk, starting at the G7 in Cornwall in June and ending in Glasgow at the end of October. The purpose is to #RiseToTheMoment and raise awareness of the climate crisis and the urgent need for action, requiring bold commitments at COP26 in November. You may have heard this walk talked about on radio and in the national press. A core group of young people will do the whole walk and others (like us) are invited to join them for single days or for parts of the walk. On Monday August 16th they will walk from Oxford to Kidlington sleeping overnight at the Baptist church and will be joined by Bishop Steven for a short service which will be live streamed at 7.30pm on KBC YouTube channel
If you would like to join them walking for the day please meet at 10.30am at St Columba URC in Oxford. It’s a short day, so we expect to arrive in Kidlington around 3.00pm approximately. We are also looking for a car driver to ferry their bags from Oxford to Kidlington on that day – offers to Scott Cheeseman please.