Living in Christian community is more than just Sunday morning, it reaches into our whole lives. Our parish small groups help connect people, provide support, and give opportunities to grow in love of God and neighbour, through a wide variety of interests. If this parish is your home, we encourage you to consider joining a small group. If you look at the current groups and don’t find a good fit, if you have a good idea, or any questions at all, contact Paul ( or Penny ( We are always open to starting new groups that help people connect with God and each other.
Other groups meet periodically throughout the year, like the Making Group, Questions for God, and Lent and Advent studies.
Other aids to study and worship which you might find useful are:
Some members of the congregations subscribe to the Bible Reading Fellowship in order to follow its programme of daily readings and reflexions. New subscriptions are welcome for anyone interested. If you would like more information about this group, please email Janet via the Parish Office.
Anglican Cursillo is a movement within the Church providing a method by which Christians are empowered to grow through prayer, action and study and enabled to share God’s love with everyone. Some Parish members attend one of the local Cursillo meetings in Bicester, and St Mary’s Kidlington has been used as a venue for a large Cursillo gathering. If you would like to know more about the wider Cursillo movement, please visit If you would like more information about the Cursillo group in our parish, please email Jan via the Parish Office.