Worship Online – Details


We are sorry for all the recent problems with livestreaming the Sunday morning service from our churches – Facebook just cuts us off every now and again. So the plan is now is to livestream to YouTube as the service takes place. We hope this works and gives you the chance to join the service live or later, as it suits you. Many thanks to our small tech team for struggling to sort this out for everyone. When we have a bespoke Sunday morning service this will still be available via Facebook, as will Pause for Prayer.

Sundays 10am Bespoke service or livestreamed from one of our churches.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10am Pause for Prayer (not Bank Holidays or during August).

You do not need a Facebook or YouTube account to watch these services. You can ignore the message that asks you to log-in or sign up. If you do not see the service appear, you might need to refresh your browser nearer the time that it is due to start.

Sunday Services

Sunday 10am Holy Communion or Service of the Word (Order of Service for Sunday 2nd February) – livestreamed from St Mary’s Kidlington.

Use YouTube for the livestreamed service on 2nd February.

Pause for Prayer

Our Pause for Prayer together happens every Monday, Wednesday and Friday except Bank Holidays. Just go directly to the Facebook page.