Online Services
Our first experience of online worship was during COVID. Whilst the level of provision has lessened since then, we have tried to maintain a weekly presence online, which we know is much appreciated by those less able to get to a church building. Clergy and lay people present a short “Pause for Prayer” in the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Sunday mornings we hold a bespoke online service from the home of one of the clergy or livestream the 10am service from St Mary’s Kidlington or St John’s. These are all available on our Facebook page so can be viewed at any time.
Services elsewhere
Services are held twice a month in a local care home for the elderly and those with dementia – alternating Communion and Songs of Praise. These are usually led by one of our retired clergy, with support from others, and they enjoy the opportunity to stay and talk with residents and staff, building much-valued personal relationships with them. Members of our clergy can, and do, offer a chaplaincy ministry of listening, praying, end of life care and much more, to both residents, their families, and care home staff.
Visits and home Communion are available to those who are unwell or unable to get to services.