The Baby and Toddler Group meets in the Refectory at the rear of the church on Thursdays at 9.30am until 11am, for parents, grandparents and carers to bring little ones for a fun, busy morning. If Thursday is not a good morning for you, there are other sessions available through the Kidlington Hub: click here for more information.
There are lots of toys and activities to choose from, plus a craft activity to link with the book of the week. Tea and coffee are available and also a quiet snack time for the little ones! The session ends with a story and singing time.
We celebrate Eastertide, have a Christmas party and also have the children joining in a traditional Nativity. It is lots of fun and organised chaos!
A small fee is collected per family group to cover the cost of tea, coffee, biscuits and craft items. With any money left over we are able to support local charities and national fundraisers like Save the Children and Children in Need.