Our main service on most Sunday mornings is a traditional eucharist, with members of the congregation taking part as servers, readers, leading intercessions, and as welcomers. The Junior Church meets during the service and then joins the congregation at communion. Vestments are worn, parts of the service are sung, and on festival days incense is used. Our Director of Music ensures that a broad range of hymns is sung.

Once a month, usually fourth Sunday, we join with our fellow churches for a Joint Parish Communion at either St John’s or St Mary’s Kidlington.

On the first Sunday of each month we hold an “All Together” service, sometimes a eucharist, which is more informal and involves our younger members. There is usually a craft activity, a more reflective format, and lots of lay involvement. We are able to use the flexible Hall/Church building to great effect at these services.

On Tuesday evenings we hold a short service in the style of Iona, using a Celtic-inspired liturgy. This takes place in the Lady Chapel and allows us to mark Saints Days and the Seasons of the Year, and explore different ways of praying.
We are fortunate to have a number of teams who help to enrich our worship, including worship leaders, musicians, welcomers, flower arrangers, prayer leaders, and others, and if you would like to become involved in any of our worship activities we would be delighted to welcome you. To find out more click here.