Hospitality is important to us, both within the church families and for local residents. We are pleased to have been able to resume many social activities “in person” though we continue to hold some Zoom events to keep contact with those who are less able to leave home.
There is tea/coffee (and sometimes cake) after worship. Tea and cake are offered for the passing walkers on summer Sunday afternoons at St Mary’s Kidlington, and after a stimulating winter Sunday afternoon talk there is more tea and cake for up to 100 people! The monthly “Big Sing” at St John’s has at least 60 participants fuelled by coffee (and cake) as they get together to enjoy singing favourite songs. Then we have Rogation teas, patronal festival and harvest suppers, and many more events involving food.
We also enjoy each other’s company in many other ways: bell ringing, art, flower arranging, crafts, music; all have their own groups including their own social events.
The events listed below are grouped according to location, but we are very much one Parish and frequently meet in each others’ church spaces. You can find out more about recent happenings here.
2020 was the year we planned to celebrate the 800 year anniversary of both our St Mary’s churches, with a whole range of special social and fundraising events. Most of these had to be postponed, due to Coronavirus, but we did enjoy the first two events, an Epiphany Tea and a Black Tie Dinner early in 2020. A few concerts did take place in Autumn/Winter 2021 and we were able to hold the Open Gardens event in Kidlington and Hampton Poyle in July 2022.
This was followed by our spectacular “Live Nativity” when a procession led by THREE LIVE CAMELS walked from the centre of the village to St Mary’s Kidlington, which had been transformed into a huge stable, complete with many more live animals and a very friendly and welcoming “Holy Family” (with real baby!).
And then in 2023 we started a new venture – Christmas Tree Festival in St Mary’s Kidlington on the weekend of 16th/17th December, finishing with a Community Carol Service at 4.30pm on 17th.