Lay involvement is a key part of our pattern of worship in the parish and even when COVID was severe we were able to play a part in services online.
Now we are “back to normal” members of our church congregations play an active role in all services, from welcoming people at the door to serving coffee afterwards, whilst the organists, choir and choristers are there providing very welcome music again. Each church has slightly different ways of working, but lay members are responsible for writing and reading intercessions, and there is a team of volunteers at St Mary’s who offer prayer ministry after the main Sunday service. There are also teams of lay ministers and servers who play an important role in regular worship. In addition, once a month St John’s has an “All Together” service, while at St Mary’s, the third Sunday has an “Open Space” service which is planned and led jointly by clergy and the laity.
If you would like to get involved in any way, do speak to the clergy or churchwardens.