We share our regular news via a newsletter; you can view/download this week’s here, or pick up a printed copy in one of the churches. If you would like to be added to the mailing list so you are emailed it directly, then do let us know: office@kidhp.org.uk.
Links given in the newsletter are repeated at the end so you don’t have to type them.
There’s also more info after the newsletter.
The full response to the Makin Report can be read here
The Friends of St Mary’s Kidlington website: fosmk.org.uk
Other Links:
Mission Action Plan
Links to the two charities we are supporting in 2025/26:
Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide: https://www.papyrus-uk.org/
Noor Society for Disabled People – which supports children with disabilities and their families living in Bethlehem’s refugee camps: https://noorsocietyfordisabled.wordpress.com/home/
The Holy Land resource page is on this website: kidhp.org.uk/the-holy-land
Suggested causes for donations in memory of Martin Davis:
www.asylum-welcome.org/donate; www.justgiving.com/page/martins-garden-kidlington