We are a creative Parish, using our talents not only for our own pleasure but also to enrich our services with music and art. There are many opportunities to enjoy using your skills, or learn new ones and make new friends in the process.
We have an abundance of ways in which musical talent is displayed in our worship. It ranges from the choir and young choristers at St Mary’s Kidlington to a less formal Music group which supports the Open Space services.
To find out more about all the opportunities to share in our music making just click here.
If you would like more information, please email David via the Parish Office.
The Making Group started in 2015, to offer a chance to respond creatively to the Lent study theme, by making a series of installations in church, using art and craft techniques. Since then it has been a regular part of our Lent programme and has also met occasionally at other times.
To find out more about all their creative projects, just click here.
If you would like more information, please email Rosemary via the Parish Office.
Whist many of our Sunday morning services of Holy Communion follow the formats from “Common Worship” that’s certainly not always the case. In particular the first Sunday “All Together” at St John’s and the third Sunday “Open Space” at St Mary’s Kidlington offer interesting opportunities to explore alternative liturgy and any lay person keen to be involved is most welcome.
If you would like more information, please talk to one of the clergy
St Mary’s Tower in Kidlington has a peal of eight bells, ranging from the Tenor weighing in at over one ton to the Treble. The bells are rung regularly from 9.20am each Sunday, at weddings, festivals and for events of national importance. We are members of the Oxford City Branch of the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers. We often welcome visiting ringers and also visit other towers. The ringers meet at 9.15am for the 10am Sunday service and from 7.30pm-9pm on Tuesdays to practise. We would welcome new ringers, both experienced and those wishing to start from scratch.
Bellringing was not possible during the pandemic and Sunday mornings were not the same, so we are delighted to be back and ringing again.
If you would like more information, please email Lesley via the Parish Office.
We don’t have regular teams of flower arrangers but groups get together for decorating the churches on special occasions.
Easter at St John’s
One of the window decorations at St Mary’s Hampton Poyle for the celebration of the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla.
If you would like more information, please contact a churchwarden via the Parish Office.