The Making Group

LATEST ACTIVITY – Christmas Trees for the Christmas Tree Festival 2024
We are planning to make two trees for the Christmas Tree Festival, and invite anyone interested in helping to join us in the refectory at St Mary’s on Fridays 22nd November, 29th November and 6th December from 2.30pm-4pm.

If you are interested please let Rosemary know:

All are welcome
David and Rosemary Meara

The Making Group started in 2015, to offer people a chance to respond creatively to the Lent Study theme by making a series of installations in church using art and craft techniques. We have made papier- maché pots in response to the theme ’Broken but Beautiful’, wall hangings incorporating the congregations’ responses to the National consultation ‘Living in Love and Faith’, and in Lent 2024 we explored the trial and suffering of Jesus, creating six panels depicting the violence he suffered.

We have also created a half- size Nativity scene for St Mary’s, which has been displayed over the Christmas season.

And this year we made props and scenery for the parish ‘Joseph in a Day ‘ musical production. 

We regularly have between twenty and thirty people involved in our sessions. No particular skills are required, just an interest in using your creative skills to respond to a particular theme or project, and a willingness to get your hands messy! Everyone is welcome. We usually meet on a weekday afternoon, in the Refectory at St Mary’s, but the timings vary and are notified on the website and weekly newsletter.

If you would like more information, please email Rosemary via the Parish Office.