
Friends of St Mary’s Kidlington – Reborn

The “Friends of St Mary’s Kidlington” was set up in 2016 to provide a forum for everyone who wanted to support the development of St Mary’s for the benefit of the community. This was available to all, not just members of the congregation, as a way of raising funds to contribute to the fabric and facilities in the church, separate from regular funding for parish activities.

We held a variety of events, trips, talks, etc but then everything came to a halt with COVID. But we are delighted to say that FOSMK is now reborn and has some exciting plans for the future. The first step (though perhaps not the most exciting) was to hold a long-overdue Annual General Meeting in St Mary’s on Thursday 30th May. Refreshments and AGM were followed by a talk by Ven David Meara “A Serious House: Why Church buildings matter today”.

A good number attended, not just the long-standing, loyal members who have continued to support FOSMK during its “down” time. We heard more about the Friends, what their plans are, and how everyone can be involved.

We have since held an evening reception at Exeter College, hosted by Sir Rick Trainor, Rector, and Lady Trainor, with drinks, talk and tour of refurbished library. And here’s breaking news of a series of talks to be held this Autumn, with some very well-known and fascinating speakers.

You can also find out more by going the the new FOSMK website at fosmk.org.uk