
Thank You Christian

Many of you will have enjoyed meeting Christian Saguyan, the placement student with us from Cuddesdon for July. He joined in so many services and activities, and conducted a survey on how people make use of the worship we have been offering online – valuable input to discussions on future plans.

His last day in the parish, was Sunday 31st July, when he preached at St John’s, finishing with this beautiful poem to remember his time with us.

Love Enduring
Love is Strong
Many years lived
Many tears give
From births to deaths
Your hand to help 

Love Enduring
Love is Strong
Nothing fathoms
the generation of an ever-living song
A hymn of music in everyone’s heart
A melody humming in God’s heart
The song of love!
Whom it meets it greets
Serenading the most in need

Love Enduring
Love is Strong
Welcomed me as your own
Kidlington with Hampton Poyle
I delight to sing your song.

Christian, Thank you for all you brought to our parish life. Our best wishes to you, your wife and coming baby.