As everyone will understand we are not able to hold our usual Remembrance Sunday service and parade this year. But we do, of course, want to remember and honour all those who have lost their lives in war.
We will be holding an online service starting at 10.30am on Sunday 8th November. This will include a film of wreath laying, a bugle sounding and the two minutes silence at 11am. Please do join us for the service which will be available via Facebook – just look for ‘Kidlington Anglican Churches’ on Facebook or go to worship-online where there will be a link to take you there.
We are also inviting everyone to bring their own poppy, mounted on a cross, and place it in St Mary’s churchyard in the week November 1st to 8th. This could be a poppy you have bought or one you have made. Below are some examples – but please feel free to be as individual and inventive as you chose – knitting, crochet, material ….
- Make a cross from two sticks (pea sticks or bamboo canes work well). Fix them with glue, wire or string and perhaps paint black (optional) with acrylic paint.
- Make a poppy (see below for some possibilities).
- Fix the poppy onto the cross with glue or wire.
- Bring to St Mary’s and insert into a small hole in the ground (perhaps made with hammer and bradawl). If you don’t fancy hammering it into the ground leave it in the church porch and we will ‘plant’ it for you.
There will be some spare crosses and poppies in St Mary’s church porch for those who cannot make their own.

Making a poppy
- Cut out of the bottom of a plastic bottle. Paint on the outside surface – first the centre with black acrylic paint then, when dry, add red acrylic paint over the centre and sides, for the petals.
- Cut the top off a drinks can with scissors (WEAR GLOVES). Then cut the petals from the side of the can leaving them attached at the bottom. Use red spray paint for the surface, then black acrylic paint for the centre. You can also add extra petals from a second can if you want.