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The Big Sing

On the first Wednesday of every month a crowd gathers in St John’s for a “Big Sing”. People come because they like being sociable and enjoy singing (or listening to) popular music. Everyone is welcome, with or without any singing ability, and there’s lots of coffee/tea and cake to keep the throat lubricated. This was first set up by our Curate Susy but is now well-established, thanks to her careful planning, and will continue after she leaves us – the wonderful team of helpers is all set.

If you enjoy a good sing, then do come along to join us, 10am to 11.30 am, first Wednesday every month.


Friends of St Mary’s Kidlington – Reborn

The “Friends of St Mary’s Kidlington” was set up in 2016 to provide a forum for everyone who wanted to support the development of St Mary’s for the benefit of the community. This was available to all, not just members of the congregation, as a way of raising funds to contribute to the fabric and facilities in the church, separate from regular funding for parish activities.

We held a variety of events, trips, talks, etc but then everything came to a halt with COVID. But we are delighted to say that FOSMK is now reborn and has some exciting plans for the future. The first step (though perhaps not the most exciting) was to hold a long-overdue Annual General Meeting in St Mary’s on Thursday 30th May. Refreshments and AGM were followed by a talk by Ven David Meara “A Serious House: Why Church buildings matter today”.

A good number attended, not just the long-standing, loyal members who have continued to support FOSMK during its “down” time. We heard more about the Friends, what their plans are, and how everyone can be involved.

We have since held an evening reception at Exeter College, hosted by Sir Rick Trainor, Rector, and Lady Trainor, with drinks, talk and tour of refurbished library. And here’s breaking news of a series of talks to be held this Autumn, with some very well-known and fascinating speakers.

You can also find out more by going the the new FOSMK website at


Parish Fete 2024

Yes it did rain – especially on Friday night – but that didn’t dappen anyone’s spirits. We moved to Plan B, with most of the activities happening inside the church, and that gave a really good vibe. A special thanks to the hardy souls who did stay outside (Programme Sellers, Bar, BBQ, Tombola, Books). We do hope everyone who came enjoyed it as much as we did. See more photos on our Recent Events page – but here’s a taster – Rector Felicity painting our new Curate Paul (little did he know what his duties would involve when he arrived here at the beginning of the month).


Annual Parochial Church Meetings

In common with all other charitable bodies the parish has to have an annual (general) meeting in which we present our finances and a report on the year and also elect our church officers. This year our APCM is at 8pm on Wednesday 8th May at St Mary’s Kidlington. We will be electing a new warden for St Mary’s Kidlington and several PCC members, receiving the electoral roll, and holding a very brief first meeting of the new PCC in which we appoint the Lay Chair, Treasurer and Secretary and set dates for the year ahead. Wine and soft drink will be available.

If you are on the electoral roll please consider if you would like to stand for election to any of these roles and let one of the wardens or clergy know so that we can help you fill in a nomination form – we need all three churches well represented.

You can find out more about the meeting and access all the papers here.


Sunday Teas

Our Summer Sunday Teas season starts on 5th May. Do come along to the Refectory at the back of St Mary’s Kidlington, 3pm to 5pm, any Sunday up to 8th September – tea (or coffee!), homemade cakes and plenty of chat. And for the first two weeks you can also enjoy the Artweeks exhibition in the church.


Joseph in a day

Please come and join our ‘Joseph Challenge’ day of fun and fellowship on Sunday, 21st April 2024, St Mary’s Kidlington, 11am to 5pm

The focus is on fun and fellowship. Everyone from our three churches is invited. Everyone will be able to get involved. You can choose what you do.

Here are a few ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’ for the actual day:

  • Don’t wear anything special – just your normal clothes.
  • Do come and join us – no pressure – stay as long as you can. (We start at 11am and finish at 5pm).
  • Do bring something to share with others for lunch.
  • Do let us know that you are coming (if you can). If you haven’t already signed up, please email to say that you intend to come.
  • Do bring your parent/carer/helper to stay (and get involved) for the day if you need help and support or supervision. (We can’t take responsibility for any under 18s on the day – children must be supervised at all times).
  • Do bring laughter, your sense of humour and your best smile. You will need them. There will be times to listen, wait and be very patient as we work together to get organised.
  • Do bring a copy of the music (if you have one). We will have words for everyone and some music copies for those who want it.
  • Do bring a cake (as well as lunch) if you can.

Everyone is invited. Everyone will be able to get involved, whether you are nearly nine, ninety-nine or anywhere in-between. We’ll start working at St Mary’s Kidlington after the morning services with breaks for a ‘Bring and Share’ lunch and some cake in the afternoon. We’ll have our final run through at around 4.30pm.


Art Weeks 2024

Artists at St Mary’s are thrilled to be able to exhibit for Oxfordshire Art Weeks Festival 2024. They are a large group of local artists (including some new members for 2024) who for the last 10 years have been exhibiting together for the festival in St Mary’s Kidlington. They bring together a diverse number of mediums and talents from watercolour, oils, acrylic, textiles, collage and mixed media. There will be something to suit every taste and pocket. Come and stock up on unique greetings cards or treat yourself to some art by a local artist. All major credit and debit cards can be used for purchases.

Why not make an outing of it and have stroll through the ancient water meadows of Kidlington’s green belt down to the picturesque River Cherwell and back to St Mary’s for tea, cake and art?

St Marys Church Kidlington 4 May – 12 May. 12-5pm venue 151

Nineteen artists will be exhibiting their work in the nave and chancel of this inspiring Grade I listed building in Kidlington. 

During the course of this year’s exhibition there will be extra events, open to all.  Talks are free, workshops cost £5 each to cover cost of materials.

Sunday 5 May, 6pm: Artists Talking

Katherine Shock (painter/garden designer) will discuss with three of the artists their sources of inspiration, how they paint and how their creativity has developed. Steve Daggitt, James Hamilton, Elizabeth Kirkham.

Monday 6 May, 2-4 pm: Workshop

Pasta Press Etching with Charlotte Orr (illustrator and teacher of Art and Design). Create your own mini etching print using recycled materials (5 places).

Tuesday 7 May, 6pm: Concert 

Gosford Hill School Choir and Orchestra.  Conductor Andrew Purtell. Featuring music by John Rutter, Sarah Quartel, Bob Chilcott, Jonathan Larson, Monty Norman, Hans Zimmer … and Abba.

Wednesday 8th May, 2-4 pm: Workshop

Doodle stitch- Mindfulness with a needle with Lynn Pilgrim (media and textile artist working with layers and textures (10 places).

Friday 10 May, 1pm to 2.30pm: Concert 

Jonathan Wiseman (Award-winning classical guitarist from Kidlington).

Friday 10th May, 2-4pm : Workshop

Screen printing on fabric with Rosemary Meara (textile artist and teacher of Art and Design).  Use paper stencils to create an individual tote bag (5 places).

NB: workshops: no previous experience necessary, cost £5 each place. Places are limited so please apply to

For further information please contact Richard Friedemann,