3rd November, 5.30pm, St Mary’s Kidlington
On Sunday November 3rd the All Souls Service is a special service of remembrance and thanksgiving for the lives of those who are dear to us. This is a gentle time with some singing and readings, a brief talk, reflection and a chance for everyone to light a candle. This service gives us a safe space in which to name our losses and recognise how we really are. It is a time where you do not need to pretend to be ‘ok’: it is fine just to be how you are and who you are. In this service we also read aloud the names of those who we are remembering this year. We have already included those who have passed away over the last two years in our list of those names to be read aloud but if you would like us to include other names please contact Malc in the office on office@kidhp.org.uk. You can also write names by hand on the list as you arrive.
Bring a flower
This year you are also invited to bring a single flower for each person you are remembering. Any size, any colour, any variety is good. We will use them to make instant flower arrangements as a tribute to all those we remember during the service. If you forget or can’t manage it, don’t worry there will be extra ones to choose from in the porch.