
Holy Week and Easter

All the extra services for this special season are now listed in the Calendar. We are delighted that this includes a number in-person as well as some extra online . To ensure the safety of everyone attending in-person services numbers are restricted and it is essential that you book a place in advance – just go to the Booking page.

Most services will be an appropriate adaptation of familiar services from previous years. But you might be wondering what the “Garden of Gethsemane Service” is – so here’s more information: This is a reflective service inside St Mary’s which will focus on Jesus’s time in the garden of Gethsemane. We will listen to Scripture, reflect and pray, and listen to some music/singing. A chance to be with Jesus in his suffering, and to pray for all those who suffer in different ways. The service will last no more than an hour and those who wish are welcome to stay for as little or as much as the Vigil as they would like to.