In common with all other charitable bodies the parish has to have an annual (general) meeting in which we present our finances and a report on the year and also elect our church officers. This year our APCM is at 8pm on Wednesday 8th May at St Mary’s Kidlington. We will be electing a new warden for St Mary’s Kidlington and several PCC members, receiving the electoral roll, and holding a very brief first meeting of the new PCC in which we appoint the Lay Chair, Treasurer and Secretary and set dates for the year ahead. Wine and soft drink will be available.
If you are on the electoral roll please consider if you would like to stand for election to any of these roles and let one of the wardens or clergy know so that we can help you fill in a nomination form – we need all three churches well represented.
You can find out more about the meeting and access all the papers here.