This year for All Souls we are making an interactive installation near the main door of St Mary’s Kidlington.
We will not be able to hold in person our big service at St Mary’s Kidlington, where we remember by name each person we love who has died. But we can remember them by taking part in the installation. The shape of a cross will be marked out in the churchyard and we invite you to decorate a stone with the name of your loved one, or paint it with a simple design, or just choose a stone, and then bring your stone to the churchyard and lay it inside the marked out cross at any time in the week from Monday October 26th to Saturday 31st. You can also send to us the name of anyone you would like us to remember. If you would like to paint a stone but you don’t have one that is good for painting we will place some smooth stones in a bucket in the porch at St Mary’s for you to use. Any waterproof paint, marker pen, or even nail varnish is good to use.

We will then have an online service at 3pm on Sunday November 1st using the stone cross, lighting candles, and reading out all the names we are remembering. You can see that service now on Facebook. The stones will be in the churchyard at St Mary’s Kidlington for a couple of weeks so there is still time to add one if you would like to.
There will also be a small “in person” service of remembering at St Mary’s Hampton Poyle at 5pm; this is mainly for the villagers and numbers will still be limited – please book directly with Felicity.