We need to raise the awareness of Global Climate Change and how we can all help renew our planet. So we are asking you to get together with your friends, family, church or community group to create flags and giant windmills. These will be displayed around Kidlington in October and November this year as part of the Revival for Survival Festival leading up to the Cop 26 conference taking place in Glasgow in November.
Flags can be any shape or size ideally of biodegradable materials and containing a suitable message eg. ‘Renew our planet’ Recycle’ ‘Reuse’ etc. if you cannot make your own flags there will be some left in St Mary’s church porch for you to decorate.
If you feel able to make a windmill an instruction sheet can be collected from St Mary’s church porch. An example will be displayed outside the church. You may wish to design your own using re-cycled or biodegradable materials.
Display your work outside your church/house or combine with friends to create an installation.
There will also be a Workshop in St Mary’s on Saturday 9th October from 10am to 12 noon where you can work alongside others to get you going.
You can download a poster about this here.