As always, we share our joys and sorrows in our church life together. We continue to give thanks for the opportunities for fellowship, worship, deepening our faith and serving our community.

Martin Davis joined us as Team Vicar in 2015. He was a calm, supportive, faithful guide to us in so many ways. He was instrumental in setting up the Community Hub – now called Kidlinks – to support local families with a range of toddler groups and other activities, and provided steadfast support at their sessions. He was a caring, listening leader to our congregations, especially at St John’s, and to the community in Kidlington and Hampton Poyle. He struggled against cancer for a year before his death in August 2023. We shall miss him so much, but always with thanksgiving for all we shared with him.
And here are just a few images of the good times we’ve shared recently. We give thanks to all who make our life together so rich and fulfilling.
Our ever-creative “Making Group” produces many different installations – this year for Lent they created portals, as a reflection on the beautiful post-Communion Prayer “opening the gate of glory”.
Our Good Friday Family service reflected on “Walking with Jesus” to Calgary.
We have been blessed with many fine curates who spend about three years with us. We hope they learn much during this time – including how to keep smiling when being painted at the parish fete.
Our youth group TIG (i.e. Together in God) meets regularly at St John’s but also enjoys fun time out and about. This year that included punting, with thanks to the mums and dads who did most of the work.
The beautiful medieval church in Hampton Poyle is well supported by residents of the village – including enjoying a coffee morning in the sunny churchyard.
The choir and choristers who bring so much to our worship, mainly at St Mary’s Kidlington, enjoyed a weekend away together, singing in Romsey Abbey.