Tea Talks 2025

We are pleased to be holding our usual series of Winter Tea Talks in 2025. These will be at 3pm in St John’s on Sundays 12th January, 9th February, 2nd March.

For the first of these, we are delighted to welcome back William Whyte, once associate priest in the parish. William is Professor of Social and Architectural History at St John’s College, Oxford and has many other activities, including Oxford Preservation Trust, Oxford Historical Society, English Heritage, Blue Plaques Panel, Westminster Abbey Fabric…… His talk on 12th January is entitled “The Accidental University – a short(ish) history of Oxford”. Do come along to enjoy another lively, fascinating talk by him, followed by tea and cake. As usual, we will be inviting donations to support the work of the parish.

On 9th February you are invited to hear Dermot O’Hare, Professor of Organometallic and Materials Chemistry at Oxford University, speaking on “Chemistry for Tomorrow’s World”. Tomorrow’s Chemistry seeks to minimise environmental impact while maximising societal benefit. Prof O’Hare will explore the transformative potential of Chemistry in shaping a sustainable future.