We did manage to hold the first few events we had planned, back early in 2020.
Our first event, back in January 2020, was an Epiphany Tea when more than 40 of us sat down to a delicious spread and lots of chat.

Then we had our “official” launch at a special Launch Service, with the theme “Sing a New Song to the Lord”, held in St Mary’s Kidlington on January 26th
The service was led by the Bishop of Oxford, Steven Croft, and the Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, Tim Stevenson, was also present. Representatives from many community activities in our villages participated and we finished with a glorious “anniversary” cake. This was cut, using the Lord Lieutenant’s ceremonial sword, by him and two members of the congregation who were celebrating their birthdays that day – Pam Cooper and Ruby Graham.

Just a few days after the official launch we held a spectacular candle-lit dinner. About 60 people gathered for an evening of delicious food and warm fellowship, including an exciting Silent Auction. Thanks to everyone who came for the evening or who donated auction items, and especially to the amazing crew who prepared the building, cooked the food, served us and did the washing up!