COVID-19 Information

As life seems slowly to be returning to “normal”, here’s info on what is happening at present – online services, Zoom coffee, onsite services and opening of our church buildings.

Sunday Worship online and Zoom coffee

We continue to livestream a Parish Eucharist at 10am on Sunday morning. You can join the service on Facebook and download the order of service from our Worship Online page.

Our service is followed by a time of fellowship on Zoom. Please contact webmaster or a member of the ministry team for the Zoom log-in details.

Pause for Prayer

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am livestreamed on Facebook. This is a chance to stop and spend time with God, either at 10am or at any point later in the day or week.

Iona Service

This is a short service in the style of Iona, using a Celtic-inspired liturgy, held onsite in St John’s Lady Chapel on Tuesdays at 7.30pm It is with livestreamed when possible.

Zoom Coffee

Tuesday 10.30am and Thursday 4.15pm on Zoom. This is a chance to share fellowship with each other on Zoom. Please contact webmaster or a member of the ministry team for the Zoom log-in details.

We continue to offer onsite services, including Sunday mornings, at two or three of our churches. All services for the forthcoming month are shown in the parish calendar and listed here.

Our church buildings remain open for private prayer – generally during daylight hours. However, there may be occasions when you will find the buildings locked. This may because the church is being used for a funeral or cleaning is taking place. It won’t be possible to keep you updated with all the times that this will be. We apologise and thank you for your understanding.

We ask all visitors to abide by the following guidelines:

  1. Please do not enter the church if you have symptoms of Covid 19 or have been asked to self-isolate.
  2. Please use the hand sanitizer provided before and after visiting the church.
  3. Please respect others by maintaining an appropriate distance at all times.    
  4. Wearing a face mask inside the church is no longer required but please do so if you feel more comfortable that way.